Sunday, November 18, 2012

I hate ferries...

I'm blogging right now while sitting in the parking lot of the ocracoke - cedar island ferry. I have 2 hours before the next one comes. I missed the one I made a reservation for because the hatteras - ocracoke ferry didn't show up on time. Needless to say I'm not thrilled. As much as I am happy to be home, this not having a road nonsense is more than annoying. I wish I could pick up all my friends & my family and move us somewhere things like this didn't happen. No idea when the road will be mended either. As it looks right now, probably not anytime soon.

I have a very sad Kadence in my backseat as we speak. It's naptime so I don't want to get her out, I wish she would just give it up and nap so I could too! After all, we have another 2 hours before we even get on the ferry!

Kadence will be with her dad all week & while its super sad because I miss her everyday, I am looking forward to sleeping in ;) I honestly have no plans for thanksgiving this year, but I think my dad and I might go to my roommates parents house or to another friends house, who knows! I love thanksgiving but being vegan makes it not as much fun! I am looking forward to the parade though. Holidays make me excited for when Kadence is older and I can start fun traditions with her. We never had any in my family so I want her to have some!

Well I'm done rambling for the moment! Maybe I can sleep for a little to pass some time!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Haters Gonna Hate

I am LOVING it. Did you guys know I am YouTube famous enough to have people hate on me on my own personal thread on I feel really special. & no, I'm not being sarcastic, I actually am certain that it's a compliment. In my book, if you have haters you're doing something right & you're definitely getting people's attention! 

So what if my baby sleeps in a walk in closet? it's big, there's a fan, & she doesn't care. she's not in a dresser drawer. So what if I live with my best friend? I'm not ashamed to say I can't pay rent on a two bedroom apartment alone. So what if I am not with Kadence's dad? This is the real world, relationships don't always last. So what if I moved to college & came home? People make mistakes & things don't work out. So what if I do something you don't agree with? Don't do it with your child. 

The Lord is the only one who can judge me, no one else matters. 


Monday, November 5, 2012

Missing You All, Hurricane Sandy, & Boredom

I cannot convey the joy I just felt when this page loaded! I have been out of decent internet for days since Hurricane Sandy tore through my town & apparently the signal is finally strong enough to allow me to write a blog post to everyone! I have been trying fervently for days, but with no avail. :( Facebook still isnt working correctly, & I will be pleasantly surprised if YouTube allows me to upload, but here's to hoping! 
We fared through Hurricane Sandy just fine, however, the one road on & off of the island I live on did not do so well. If you have been following me for a while you know that this happened last year during Hurricane Irene while I was pregnant & it sucks just as much now, as it did then. The only way to get anywhere is to take a ferry that takes 2.5 hours to go 17 miles. That being said, I am obviously not going ANYWHERE for quite some time, but I digress. 

Other than that, Kadence & I have been nothing but bored. I did get to have a little night out this weekend, which was well enjoyed with some friends I don't get to see often, but aside from that there is nothing going on. The kids I babysit have been out of town, the restaurant I worked at is closed for the season, & cheerleading has a break between seasons (though tryouts start up today, hooray!). 

I plan to do a Baby Led Solids blog post &/or  video here in the near future because I am absolutely in love with this idea of feeding & I am uploading a day in the life video (FINALLY) as I type this. Fingers crossed it works. 

Thank you all for checking up on me during the storm. You are all my greatest friends & I love you! 
