Monday, November 5, 2012

Missing You All, Hurricane Sandy, & Boredom

I cannot convey the joy I just felt when this page loaded! I have been out of decent internet for days since Hurricane Sandy tore through my town & apparently the signal is finally strong enough to allow me to write a blog post to everyone! I have been trying fervently for days, but with no avail. :( Facebook still isnt working correctly, & I will be pleasantly surprised if YouTube allows me to upload, but here's to hoping! 
We fared through Hurricane Sandy just fine, however, the one road on & off of the island I live on did not do so well. If you have been following me for a while you know that this happened last year during Hurricane Irene while I was pregnant & it sucks just as much now, as it did then. The only way to get anywhere is to take a ferry that takes 2.5 hours to go 17 miles. That being said, I am obviously not going ANYWHERE for quite some time, but I digress. 

Other than that, Kadence & I have been nothing but bored. I did get to have a little night out this weekend, which was well enjoyed with some friends I don't get to see often, but aside from that there is nothing going on. The kids I babysit have been out of town, the restaurant I worked at is closed for the season, & cheerleading has a break between seasons (though tryouts start up today, hooray!). 

I plan to do a Baby Led Solids blog post &/or  video here in the near future because I am absolutely in love with this idea of feeding & I am uploading a day in the life video (FINALLY) as I type this. Fingers crossed it works. 

Thank you all for checking up on me during the storm. You are all my greatest friends & I love you! 


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