Kadence slept in until 9:30, which put today off to a fantastic start! So here I am catching up on things that I have sucked at lately, meaning vlogging, blogging, & all sorts of internet shenanigans. We have also been sick for going on 3 weeks, and I am not seeing any end in sight. Thus is the downside to winter, I suppose.
Kadence has been back from Nick's for almost a week now & Christmas has been in full swing since. We have about 500 Christmas outfits & we are on day 3 of wearing those! I am loving it! Just waiting on our Christmas tree to arrive in the mail, it was all of 18$ from Wal-Mart. It's short, but it will do for just our little apartment. Christmas is my favorite time of year, I can't wait to take Kadence to see lights, Santa & take a million pictures!
As far as videos, I am seriously at a loss for what to do! I want to do some Christmas type videos, as well as a baby led solids series, but other than that I have no idea! If anyone has any ideas, let me know!
Please enjoy a few christmas pictures of Kadence:
cute baby!